The VIP Member Journey
Let's Talk
VIP will give you all the information you need to explore what becoming a VIP Member could mean for you, your clinic and your patients
Let's Meet
VIP will facilitate a meeting between you and one or more of our carefully selected panel of VIP Refractive Surgery Providers
Let's Learn
As a trio, we will all learn about what a partnership could look like in your practice and explore how that partnership could work
Let's Refer
You're ready to go! You can refer as many or as few patients as you like with VIP. All safe in the knowledge that you are always firmly in control
Let's Work Together
VIP & your chosen partners from our refractive surgery providers, will work with you to ensure you're fully supported and trained to be capable & confident
Let's Agree
VIP will agree written terms and working practicalities of the partnership, covering all aspects from commercial terms to clinical care and beyond
Let's Earn
For each referral you make which then successfully proceeds to have a treatment you attract an admin fee for managing that patient with VIP
Let's Grow
A Partnership means more footflow to your clinic, new patients to add to your base, a huge opportunity to increase your revenue and creates a competitive edge
The Vision In Partnership proposition is based around meaningful, long lasting partnerships. As a VIP Member our service enables you to offer your patients the latest in refractive and laser eye surgery treatments from your clinic, with no cost or equipment.
Vision In Partnership does this by creating successful and mutually beneficial partnerships between our VIP Members and carefully selected panel of VIP Refractive & Laser Eye Surgery Providers.
Vision In Partnership allows our VIP Members to offer their patients a full suite of refractive surgery treatments, to compliment and sit alongside the more traditional ophthalmic solutions that you will offer right now.